cashing in with content Meerman Scott

Ca$hing in with Content

By David Meerman Scott

How Innovative Marketers use Digital Information to turn Browsers into Buyers

Looking at a number of top web sites, Scott makes the case that:

“Marketers working at companies with innovative web sites know that first and foremost, site visitors want access to information, not just fancy graphics and advertising hype”

This makes the organization behind the site a “Trusted Source”, not just a place looking for your money. 

To do this effectively, web sites must move beyond just answering the questions they expect their visitors to have, and provide information above and beyond that. 

“Branding is for Cattle”: Scott is not a fan of branding – at least as far as image and logos go: “…the provision of quality web content, together with useful layout and reliable customer support does more to build brand than pretty logos, cool design, and hip colour choices.”

The book breaks into 20 solid, in depth case studies showing where a variety of sites, from e-commerce to politics, have used quality content to “Cash In”

  • Content should speak with one voice and create a distinct site personality.
  • Content will bring in customers when they are researching a purchase
  • Quality, interesting content, designed right, can create buzz and propel viral marketing
  • Lots of good content drives search engine traffic from people researching your product.
  • Use tools to build interactivity and leverage the knowledge you have. 
  • Make increasingly detailed content available, with RFP or buy now options at each step.
  • Content can show you are a good corporate citizen and respond to criticism. 
  • Make downloadable information like white papers available.
  • A web site can reach different people than direct mail or other media.
  • Quality content can propel a charity or political candidate.
  • Segment your traffic into different paths – your content should not be “one size fits all”.
  • Link your content to the sales cycle